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The Palomar Mountain Planning Organization (PMPO) is a nonprofit, membership organization established in the early 1980's to help develop planning goals and proposals for the Palomar Mountain Community. The organization provides guidelines for future economic, social and physical development of the community!

The next PMPO Board Meeting will on November 10th, 2018 at 10:30am, followed by meetings on February 9th, 2019 and the Annual General Meeting on May 25th, 2019 at 10am (after the Annual Pancake breakfast) at the Fire Station

Postal Address
P.O. Box 145
Palomar Mountain
CA 92060-0145

Palomar Action Committee

PAC, now a subcommittee of the PMPO, meets about every other week to investigate and act upon issues of concern to the Palomar Mountain Community.

Do you have ideas or pet peeves that someone should ACT upon? 
Let any of the members know. 

The PAC is the PMPO's way to be more available and responsive to the needs of the Community. The Palomar Action Committee was established by joint resolution based on discussions in 2005. Its first meeting was January 27, 2006 with two PMVFD members, two CCPM members and one independent.  During that time its initial focus of facilitating the Community Center, bore fruit. Countless person-days of work yielded untold tens of thousands of dollars of benefit for the PMVFD and CCPM as it solicited and realized donations of cash, real and personal property. The group was responsible for the elimination of a cloud on the title to the PMVFD property, procured a free survey of the PMVFD site and days of valuable professional expertise in building design, law, tax and real property areas toward the improvement of the PMVFD properties and the manifestation of a more functional, and now nearly completed Community Center.

In 2008 the PAC was 'adopted' by the PMPO so that it could supplement its quarterly meeting schedule with a subset of its members; Earl Walls, Bruce Graves and Bonnie Phelps, joined by 'independents:' Jerry Fisher and Tom Burton.

Currently on its "plate" are:  Working to resolve the Dual Survey problem Tracking the County's General Plan Amendment Exploring alternatives to the proposed SDGE power outage in times of high fire risk Investigating the proposal for a Pala race track The Palomar Easement Project Collecting information on the Poomacha fire Volunteer Fire Watch program institution

The PAC task list has over fifty completed projects or investigations and looking forward to checking off more action items to benefit the Mountain!

PAC Board Members: Tom Burton, Chair Earl Walls Bruce Graves Jerry Fisher  Bonnie Phelps

May 2009 to Current
Dual Survey Notes
PMVFD Site Map
FD Entrance Easement