Chair: Michael Walsh & George Evangelou
A GP20/20 Committee was formed to respond to the County Draft Environmental Impact Report, which was due in late August 2009.
November 2011 Update:
On 9/29/11 the DPLU responded the PMPO with County recommendations to the 2020 Plan, based on inputs to the County in 2009.
DPLU Response 9/29/2011.
The County recommendations were not aligned with PMPO Recommendations submitted on 11/14/09.
The PMPO Responded to the DPLU on 10/15/11 PMPO Response 10/15/2011 and a follow-up email to the Board from the Board Chair.
The Board held a Conference Call with the DPLU on 11/7/11, to discuss the variance between the recommendations, DPLU Response 11/10/2011
Michael Walsh will contact the DPLU to further discuss the Density for the other areas on the Mountain than the area along State Park Road, the Summit to the St Park (30 parcels)
Meeting 07/05/09
Meeting 07/12/09
Meeting 07/26/09
Report to PMPO Board 8/10/09
Other Documents
EIR Summary (from the County)
Rural Commercial Map
Density Map
EIR Memo
Chair: Bruce Graves Members: Terri Bailey, Elizabeth Getzoff, Cecelia Borland, Gordon Madison, Alan Serry, Susan Humason